Sylvia Lopez

Retail Lease Renewals: Understanding Your Options and Obligations

Retail Lease Renewals: Understanding Your Options and Obligations

As a retail business owner, understanding the complexities of your lease agreement is crucial for the success and longevity of your business. In Queensland, the Retail Shop Leases Act 1994 (RSL Act) and the Retail Shop Leases Amendment Act 2016 govern the laws applicable to retail shop leases, including those related to lease renewals. UnderstandingRead More »Retail Lease Renewals: Understanding Your Options and Obligations
What Does the New Property Law Act Mean for Sellers of Property?

What Does the New Property Law Act Mean for Sellers of Property?

In QLD, the Property Law Act 2023 (the Act) passed Parliament on 25 October 2023. The primary objective of the Act is to simplify, streamline and modernise Queensland's property law regime by replacing the Property Law Act 1974 (Qld). But what are the key elements, in particular those that will impact upon sellers of propertyRead More »What Does the New Property Law Act Mean for Sellers of Property?
What You Need to Know About Retirement Villages

What You Need to Know About Retirement Villages

The population of Australians aged 65 and over is projected to grow by around 50% between 2024 and 2056, which means demand for retirement accommodation will increase significantly over the next few years. As demand for retirement village accommodation grows, there are more villages being built, competition between providers is fierce and with all ofRead More »What You Need to Know About Retirement Villages
The Sleeping Time Bomb in Your Business - 4 Big Legal Risks to Avoid

The Sleeping Time Bomb in Your Business – 4 Big Legal Risks to Avoid

Setting up and running a business is an all-consuming effort in which perfecting the product and the method of selling it is the first and most important priority. Unfortunately, that laser focus on establishing the company in the marketplace can sometimes leave other elements of building a business neglected. One of those elements is theRead More »The Sleeping Time Bomb in Your Business – 4 Big Legal Risks to Avoid
commercial property

Buying a commercial property

Whilst the process of purchasing a commercial property is very similar in many respects to buying a residential property, there are a whole other set of matters to consider with this asset type.  The first issue to consider is what are your intentions or motivations for purchasing the property. Are you planning to run yourRead More »Buying a commercial property
reverse mortgage

What is a reverse mortgage?

What do you do if you are over 60 without a regular source of income other than the pension as you have retired and find that you have to fund urgent renovations to your home? Or unexpected medical expenses? Or you would like to refinance high-interest credit card debt or other liabilities? As you areRead More »What is a reverse mortgage?
when is a good time to make a will

When Is a Good Time to Make a Will

The role of executor of a person’s Will is one of unique responsibility, and their appointment is one of the most important decisions a person can make when creating this essential legal document.